Origin, Meta-games, and Unifying Rules
Lena River Delta Detail View by Daniel Coe
In the context of journeying from one point to another within a game, the imperative task is one that entails a meticulous examination of the terrain. This presents a number of complexities, particularly when transitioning this endeavour into the abstract domain of values, principles, and objectives, where human advancement is pursued.
Within the abstract realm, a pivotal issue arises concerning orientation, materializing through (i) fixation of origin and (ii) determination of direction of movement.
On the Fixation of Origin:
This constitutes one of the most intricate challenges encountered in life, and it is not within the scope of this discourse to provide a definitive solution. Rather, the aim is to elucidate a methodological approach to addressing this.
Imagine awakening to a newfound awareness of life's potential, a realization that transformative junctures such as this demand acknowledgment of. While the precise catalysts that initiate such transformative journeys remain nebulous for now, the recognition that life offers manifold possibilities prompts an individual to embark on a quest, charting both mental and physical territories from the current point A to an elevated point B. The determination of point A represents what I term the fixation of Origin.
Consider a scenario wherein one awakens with the aspiration to become a proficient 5k runner, despite lacking any prior running history. In this instance, determining point A necessitates unflinching self-assessment, wherein one must candidly identify the primary barriers hindering past achievements and establish a baseline against which progress is gauged. Absent this baseline, one lacks a tangible metric for assessing progress.
Upon establishing the current point A, the subsequent task involves realistic goal-setting. While setting an ambitiously distant point B may initially engender a sense of fulfilment, it invariably leads to overextension, culminating in a fruitless pursuit. Conversely, setting point B in close proximity to point A trivializes the essence of the initial realization.
Point B must be situated at a challenging yet attainable distance, compelling individuals to exert themselves sufficiently while gaining confidence in their capacity to effect tangible change. This stage should not be underestimated.
On Determination of Direction of Movement:
In traversing from point A to point B, it is paramount to recognize that these points invariably intersect with the trajectories of other players navigating a similar (or same) territory. Consequently, there exists a semblance of order within the system of progress. This is good. Were the burden of orchestrating progress to rest solely on one's shoulders, perpetual stagnation might ensue.
This acknowledgment underscores the necessity of engaging with fellow participants, albeit amid a veil of uncertainty regarding their motivations. While this reality does not impede logical progression, it underscores two critical considerations in orienting oneself towards point B: (i) leveraging observed directional cues from fellow participants and (ii) maintaining a heightened awareness when diverging from the trajectories of others, recognizing the inherent wisdom in collective insight.
Thus, these insights provide a framework for initiating forward momentum across a game. Yet, as one progresses from point A to point B and beyond, some questions emerge: where does the current game conclude? if the current game has infinite levels, when must one stop playing? how many games must one play at any given time? It further necessitates an inquiry into whether overarching principles exist, facilitating the identification and traversal of new territories. However, as temporal horizons expand, contemplation arises regarding the existence of a broader, all-encompassing game—a meta-game. I find the mere presence of such contemplation quite interesting for, if nothing else, I do believe that even if the answer to such questions may not be immediately accessible, the fact that the mind asks such questions must mean that there exists a phenomenon -a meta-game - awaiting exploration. Analogously, the desire to satiate thirst presupposes the existence of a source capable of quenching it.
Thus, it is prudent to operate under the presumption of a meta-game, transcending the boundaries of immediate cognition and that of the current game. This conjecture resonates with humanity's enduring quest for transcendence, manifesting as a pursuit of boundless victories. As outlined earlier, it may be that the elusiveness surrounding the meta-game might stem from our temporary limitations in comprehending the conceptual boundaries that define it. Nevertheless, these epistemic constraints do not negate the presence of overarching, unifying principles that govern the entirety of human existence.
“After all, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. ”
Through a methodological shift from abstract values to concrete actions, the article builds on Part I and proposes a framework for self-discovery that views personal identity as an ongoing creative process rather than a static truth to be uncovered.